Aqua Pennsylvania Encourages Customers to Check for Leaks During Fix-a-Leak Week
"Fixing leaks is one of the easiest ways consumers can save water," said
Aqua's Chief Environmental Officer
According to Water Sense, an American home can waste, on average, more than 10,000 gallons of water every year due to running toilets, dripping faucets, and other household leaks. Nationwide, it is estimated that more than one trillion gallons of water leak from U.S. homes each year. These leaks can significantly and unnecessarily increase water bills.
Luitweiler said to determine if there is a leak inside a home or business, customers should check their water meter at a time when all faucets and water-using devices are off. "Most modern meters have a triangular indicator that will rotate if there is even a small leak," said Luitweiler. "Faucets are a common culprit, but you can usually see or hear them dripping. Toilets are the most common source of hidden leaks. They can waste large volumes of water from constant slow leaks or intermittent sticking of internal parts like floats and flapper valves."
Visit Aqua Pennsylvania's Web site at and click on Water Smart for more ways to discover and fix leaks.
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