Aqua Pennsylvania Joins Partnership for Safe Drinking Water

November 18, 2008

Nov 18, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc.:


Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc. (Aqua), the Pennsylvania Section of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)


Aqua will formally join The Partnership for Safe Water--a voluntary cooperative effort between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and other drinking water organizations, representing more than 200 surface water utilities throughout the United States. With Aqua's membership, Pennsylvania will have a total of 104 filter plants that serve 5.8 million people enrolled in the Partnership program, or 25 percent of the national membership of more than 400 plants that serve 85 million people.


Thursday, November 20, 2008
11 a.m.


Aqua's Crum Creek Treatment Plant
965 Beatty Road
Springfield, Delaware County, PA


The goal of this common sense cooperation is to provide a new measure of safety to millions of Americans--and in the case, Aqua's southeastern Pennsylvania residents--by implementing prevention programs where legislation or regulation does not exist. The preventative measures are based around optimizing treatment plant performance and thus increasing protection against microbial contamination in America's drinking water supply.
Aqua serves approximately 1.4 million people in 26 counties throughout Pennsylvania including Delaware, Montgomery, Chester and Bucks counties in southeastern Pennsylvania.


Aqua President Karl Kyriss; AWWA Pennsylvania Section Executive Director Don Hershey; DEP Water Treatment Plant Specialist Kevin Anderson; DEP Water Supply Program Manager Nancy Roncetti


SOURCE: Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc.

Aqua Pennsylvania
Joanna Oszeyczik, Communications Specialist

Copyright Business Wire 2008

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