Aqua America Reports 2005 Net Income Increased 14 Percent

March 9, 2006

BRYN MAWR, Pa., Mar 09, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Aqua America, Inc. (NYSE: WTR) today reported net income for the year ending December 31, 2005 grew 14 percent to $91.2 million, from $80.0 million, for the full year 2004. Corresponding diluted earnings per share, on a GAAP basis, increased 11 percent to $0.71 per share from $0.64 per share for 2004, on three percent more shares outstanding. Earnings in 2004 benefited from a $2.3 million pre-tax gain in the fourth quarter from the sale of the company's Geneva, Ohio water system. The gain was recorded as a reduction in the operations and maintenance expenses in the fourth quarter. Excluding the gain, 2004 diluted earnings per share were $0.62.

For the fourth quarter ending December 31, 2005, the company reported net income, on a GAAP basis, of $22.2 million and diluted earnings per share of $0.17. For the same period in 2004, net income was $22.5 million and earnings per share were $0.18, on a GAAP basis. Excluding the gain from the sale of the Geneva, Ohio water system, fourth quarter 2004 adjusted income was $21.0 million and diluted earnings per share were $0.16.

The company's full year 2005 operating revenues increased 12 percent to $496.8 million from $442.0 million for the full year 2004. Fourth quarter 2005 operating revenues were $122.9 million, up from $115.4 in 2004. The 2005 revenue increase was the result of rate increases and acquisitions, the effects of which were most notable in the first half of 2005, and a return to normal consumption in the high-demand spring and summer months.

Aqua America Chairman and CEO Nicholas DeBenedictis said, "Our full year results were in line with our expectations and our stated long-term strategy. This year, we completed a record number of acquisitions and invested a record amount of capital, which provides a basis for future earnings power. Our results prove that our acquisition strategy and capital investment program are all working to support our long-term strategic growth goals."

Consistent with its ongoing growth-through-acquisition strategy, the company completed 30 acquisitions of both water and wastewater systems in 2005. DeBenedictis said, "The acquisition program is in full swing. Unlike 2004 when we acquired two large franchises from an electric company that was exiting the water business, this year we focused on integrating these acquisitions while complementing them by acquiring a large number of small systems. These small acquisitions are truly our bread and butter and the foundation on which our acquisition program was built. They bring immediate revenues and capital investment opportunities and are easily integrated into the organization's existing operations."

The company's ratio of operations and maintenance expenses to revenues (efficiency ratio) for the full year 2005 was 40.9 percent, consistent with the efficiency ratio for the full year 2004 adjusting for the gain from the sale of the Geneva, Ohio water system. DeBenedictis said, "We held the line on our year-over-year efficiency ratio even though we were faced with the annualized impact of two higher cost structure acquisitions (Heater Utilities and Florida Water) acquired in mid-2004 and sharp increases in other key expenses in 2005. Expenses experienced pressure from several areas, including the unexpected rise in fuel prices after Hurricane Katrina, which affected transportation expenses and water production costs in all of our states. Employee benefit cost increases, such as pension expenses, medical and other post retirement benefit costs were also higher than anticipated. That said, costs more within our direct control, such as labor, were maintained at budgeted levels consistent with our culture of strict discipline with expense management."

The company reported a record $237.5 million in capital investments in 2005, an increase of more than 20 percent from the $195.7 million of capital invested in 2004. These investments were made to expand and improve the company's water and wastewater facilities in its 13 states. To capture the return on the capital invested, the company is in the process of filing significant rate requests in the affected jurisdictions. The company received approximately $15.2 million from rate and surcharge requests in 2005 and has pending requests filed for approximately $49.8 million in rate increases - the largest request being the $38.8 million case filed in Pennsylvania in November of 2005.

DeBenedictis said, "As we continue to invest record amounts of capital, we will also continue to see our depreciation expense rise - it increased 11 percent year-over-year in 2005. Depreciation along with increasing earnings, however, provides us with growing cash flow to support our capital investment program without having to incur as much debt or dilute earnings with new equity. We view this as a positive for both shareholders and customers. Investing capital and earning our fair, regulated return through the rate-making process is one of the keys to earnings growth using the regulated model."

On August 2, 2005, the Board of Directors voted to increase the December 1, 2005 quarterly common stock cash dividend to shareholders by 10 percent to $0.1069 per share (adjusted for the December 1, 2005 stock split), which equates to $0.4276 per share (split adjusted) on an annualized basis. Additionally, the Board approved a stock split to be effected in the form of a four-for-three (33 1/3 percent) stock distribution. The increased quarterly cash dividend and the subsequent stock split were effected December 1, 2005, and made available to shareholders of record as of November 17, 2005.

This press release contains references to non-GAAP financial measures. Reconciliations of the GAAP to non-GAAP financial measures can be found in the tables on pages six and seven of this document.

The company's conference call with analysts will take place on Thursday, March 9, 2006 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time. The call will be Webcast, so that interested parties may listen over the Internet by logging on to The conference call will be archived in the Investor Relations section of the company's Web site for 90 days following the call. Additionally, the call will be recorded and made available for replay for 10 business days, beginning at 1:00 p.m. Thursday, March 9, 2006. To access the audio replay in the U.S., dial (888)-286-8010 (passcode 57500554). For international callers, dial (617)-801-6888 (passcode 57500554).

Aqua America, Inc. is the largest U.S.-based publicly-traded water utility, serving more than 2.5 million residents in Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, Illinois, Texas, Florida, New Jersey, Indiana, Virginia, Maine, Missouri, New York, and South Carolina. Aqua America is listed on both the New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges under the ticker symbol WTR.

This release contains forward looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, among others, our long-term strategy and expectations, the status of our acquisition program, the impact of our acquisitions, and capital investment program, our long-term strategic growth goals, increased opportunities from acquisitions to invest and earn a return on infrastructure improvements, opportunities to control expenses, and our ability to integrate acquisitions into our existing operations . There are important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements including: general economic business conditions, unfavorable weather conditions, the success of certain cost containment initiatives, changes in regulations or regulatory treatment, availability and the cost of capital, the success of growth initiatives, and other factors discussed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


The company's results stated here are unaudited. The final audited financial statements will be filed with the company's annual report on Form 10-K. The following table shows selected operating data for the quarters and full year ended December 31, 2005 and 2004 (in thousands, except per share data) for Aqua America, Inc. All share and per share data have been restated to reflect the December 1, 2005 four-for-three stock split.


                                  Quarter Ended        Year Ended
                                   December 31,        December 31,
                                  2005      2004      2005     2004
                                 ------    ------    ------   ------

Operating revenues              $122,908  $115,442  $496,779 $442,039
                               ==================== ==================

Net income                      $ 22,150  $ 22,474  $ 91,156 $ 80,007
                               ==================== ==================

Basic net income per share      $   0.17  $   0.18* $   0.72 $   0.64*
                               ==================== ==================

Diluted net income per share    $   0.17  $   0.18* $   0.71 $   0.64*
                               ==================== ==================

Average common shares
  Basic                          128,016   125,797   127,364  124,329
                               ==================== ==================
  Diluted                        129,828   127,285   129,206  125,710
                               ==================== ==================

* Fourth quarter 2004 includes $0.02 per share gain on sale of
Geneva, OH water system. Excluding this gain, adjusted earnings per
share for fourth quarter 2004 was $0.16 and $0.62 for the full year

                  Aqua America, Inc. and Subsidiaries
      Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income
               (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                                 Quarter Ended          Year Ended
                                  December 31,          December 31,
                               ------------------  -------------------
                                 2005      2004      2005      2004
                               --------- --------- --------- ---------

Operating revenues             $122,908  $115,442  $496,779  $442,039

Cost & expenses:
    Operations and maintenance   52,222    45,505   203,088   178,345
    Depreciation                 15,857    13,272    60,747    54,564
    Amortization                  1,114     1,204     4,741     4,300
    Taxes other than income
     taxes                        7,663     6,141    31,696    27,596
                               --------- --------- --------- ---------
Total                            76,856    66,122   300,272   264,805
                               --------- --------- --------- ---------

Operating income                 46,052    49,320   196,507   177,234

Other expense (income):
    Interest expense, net        13,447    13,095    52,062    48,679
    Allowance for funds used
     during construction           (950)     (276)   (2,447)   (2,304)
    Gain on sale of other
     assets                        (595)     (305)   (1,177)   (1,272)
                               --------- --------- --------- ---------
Income before income taxes       34,150    36,806   148,069   132,131
Provision for income taxes       12,000    14,332    56,913    52,124
                               --------- --------- --------- ---------
Net income                      $22,150   $22,474   $91,156   $80,007
                               ========= ========= ========= =========

Net income                      $22,150   $22,474   $91,156   $80,007
Other comprehensive income
 (loss), net of tax:
    Minimum pension liability
     adjustment                  (1,340)   (1,742)   (1,340)   (1,742)
    Unrealized gain on
     securities                     -         -         -          59
    Reclassification adjustment
     for gains reported in
     net income                     -         -         -        (230)
                               --------- --------- --------- ---------
Comprehensive income            $20,810   $20,732   $89,816   $78,094
                               ========= ========= ========= =========

Net income per common share:
   Basic                          $0.17     $0.18     $0.72     $0.64
   Diluted                        $0.17     $0.18     $0.71     $0.64

Average common shares
   Basic                        128,016   125,797   127,364   124,329
                               ========= ========= ========= =========
   Diluted                      129,828   127,285   129,206   125,710
                               ========= ========= ========= =========

                  Aqua America, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                 Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
                       (In thousands of dollars)

                                            December 31,  December 31,
                                               2005          2004
                                           -------------- ------------

Net property, plant and equipment             $2,279,950   $2,069,812
Current assets                                    89,956       91,203
Regulatory assets and other assets               256,819      194,359
                                           -------------- ------------
                                              $2,626,725   $2,355,374
                                           ============== ============

Common stockholders' equity                   $  811,923   $  747,231
Long-term debt, excluding current portion        878,438      784,461
Current portion of long-term debt and loans
 payable                                         163,150      125,005
Other current liabilities                        100,189       89,425
Deferred credits and other liabilities           673,025      609,252
                                           -------------- ------------
                                              $2,626,725   $2,355,374
                                           ============== ============

Aqua America, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP financial measures

(GAAP refers to accounting principles generally
  accepted in the United States)

                                                   Quarter      Year
                                                    2005        2005
                                                  ---------   --------

 Net income per common share (GAAP financial
  measure) - diluted                                  $0.17     $0.71

                                                   Quarter      Year
                                                    2004        2004
                                                  ---------   --------

 Net income per common share (GAAP financial
  measure) - diluted                                  $0.18     $0.64

 Gain on sale of Geneva, Ohio water system, net of
  tax, on a per share basis                            0.02      0.02

 Earnings per common share, excluding gain
    on sale of  Geneva, Ohio water system         --------------------
    (Non-GAAP financial measure)                      $0.16     $0.62


Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP financial measures
(In thousands of dollars)
(GAAP refers to accounting principles generally accepted in the
 United States)

                             As reported:  Less:
                              Operations  Gain on  Operations
                                 and      Sale of     and   Efficiency
  Year ended       Operating  Maintenance Geneva,OH Maintenance  Ratio
December 31, 2004   Revenues   Expenses    Assets    Expenses       %
-----------------  ---------- ----------- --------- ----------   -----

GAAP financial
 measure            $442,039   $178,345  $    -      $178,345    40.3%

Gain on sale of
 water utility
 assets                 -          -      2,342         2,342

Non-GAAP financial
 measure, excluding
 gain on sale of
 Geneva, Ohio
 water system       $442,039   $178,345  $2,342      $180,687    40.9%

Efficiency ratio is the operations and maintenance expenses as a
 percentage of operating revenues.
GAAP financial measure includes the gain on sale of the company's
 Geneva, OH water utility assets as a component of operations and
 maintenance expenses.

Aqua America, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP financial measures
(In thousands of dollars)
(GAAP refers to accounting principles generally accepted in the
 United States)

                                                   Quarter     Year
                                                     2005      2005
                                                   --------- ---------

Net Income  (GAAP financial measure)              $  22,150 $  91,156
                                                   ========= =========

                                                   Quarter     Year
                                                     2004      2004
                                                   --------- ---------
Net Income  (GAAP financial measure)              $  22,474 $  80,007

Gain on sale of water utility assets (net of
 taxes)                                               1,522     1,522
                                                   --------- ---------

Adjusted Income  (Non-GAAP financial measure,
 excluding gain on sale of Geneva, Ohio water
 system)                                          $  20,952 $  78,485
                                                   ========= =========

SOURCE: Aqua America, Inc.

Aqua America, Inc.
Investor Relations:
Cheryl Hansen, 610-645-1084
Donna Alston, 610-645-1095

Copyright Business Wire 2006

News Provided by COMTEX